“Ghost in the Machine” refers to the resilience of human imagination in the face of an artificial-intelligence-
Facial recognition, cancel culture, erosion of human rights, fake news and the technological tsunami simultaneously opens and suppresses society. And equality, environmental sustainability and peace seem less attainable than ever.
However, the might of our imagination, incomprehensible as it is, burns like a bright light of hope at the end of the tunnel. Any noble endeavor like winemaking is driven by this imaginative sun. So no matter the enveloping power of machines, the uncertainty AI instills or the hopelessness of climate change, there will be an eternal light of human imagination offering solutions.
This range of wines exists to allow winemaking imagination and passion free reign, these wines are disinterested in market trends or the whims of wine writers and commentators – these wines are crafted to dance that beautiful dance whose beat is the seasons and whose music is luck.